Frequently Asked Questions

Which product makes you think: "this one looks pretty easy"?  Which one gives you a peaceful or excited feeling?

That's were you THAT one!

Begin with the product that gets you motivated.  As I teach in my book The Key to Learning Anything motivation is the prime factor to accomplishing any learning goal.

Over the years I've "fine tuned" my product offerings to meet the needs of people like you, people with the desire to teach a foreign language, but have no idea where to begin.

My personal recommendation is going to be See It and Say It, not because I'm trying to sell you our most expensive product, but because it's the refinement of all of my years of building Spanish curriculum into one bundle where I gently guide you step-by-step through the language journey.

If that still seems too scary, then start with the absolute basics; a single deck of Spanish flashcards (if Spanish isn't your target language, we also have a French flashcard set).  

My unique flashcards are the very backbone of our curricula, the foundation everything is built upon, so if you wanted to "get your feet wet" then wade in with those. 

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We know you have lots of choices when it comes to homeschooling your children. There are hundreds of awesome reasons to choose Flip Flop, but the three main areas to focus on when choosing ANY curriculum are:

  1. EASE - each and every lesson takes less than 20 minutes. Knowing that a lesson is quick (or long) greatly affects the motivation (or lack thereof) to get it done.
  2. LEARNING STYLE - Flip Flop Spanish has products for each learning style. (see our FAQ on Learning Styles here.)
  3. EXPERIENCE - Every lesson published has been tested for more than ten years in Sra. Gose’s classes and with "guinea pig" families (without Sra. Gose present, so the curriculum could stand on its own.) The age range, homeschool lifestyle, and busy-ness of children all were taken into consideration, and the outcome was: the children learn, retain, and are able to speak Spanish!
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While doing our own marketing research, we put together a comparison chart* for ourselves and figured you would like to see the same information in one handy place too!

Cost and Feature Comparison for Homeschooling Spanish Tools

*Prices as of 2022

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All of our products are printed and manufactured right here in the good ol' USA and assembled in Texas!

We have been making strides to eliminate all non-U.S. made products; this recently includes the production of our custom whiteboard paddle by a manufacturer in Ohio.  With the exception of the whiteboard marker, you can count on Flip Flop Learning, LLC to continually strive to support American manufacturing whenever possible.

Our audio cards, even the Flip Flop Spanish whiteboard paddles are now custom made by small businesses in the United States of America. We use a local printer and binder, a Texan stamp maker, white board creator in Ohio, and all the boxes are made in New York State and Kansas.

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Yes, we offer:


Flip Flop French  Workbook + Audio

Flip Flop French Flash Cards: Vert Set

We're currently working on offering:

German (Activity Calendar)

Mandarin (Flash Cards)

More French: See it and Say it Flip Flop French

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Señora Gose is currently working on:

Release Date Jan 5, 2022:

See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Level 2, section 2 (Morado)

Flip Flop Spanish Flash Cards: Morado Set

Release Date Soon - December 2021 (Any day now!):

Los pasaportes - Spanish Geniuses Junior High/Middle School Videos

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Señora Gose's Spanish Geniuses is a complete High School Spanish Level 1 & Level 2 course curriculum.

These online courses cover all the standard course material required for full foreign language credit with the added benefit of actually being able to use the language when you're done!

Señora Gose's focus is to teach you how to be bilingual first, and while she's doing that she covers all the educational requirements for foreign language credit in an interesting and engaging way for your student to RETAIN the information for the rest of their lives.

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Location and Popularity. Because we live in Texas, the most easily practiced second language for us is Spanish.  Spanish is also the second most common language spoken in all of the US, and 43 countries speak Spanish (That's a LOT of practicing opportunities!).

However, Sra. Gose's first foreign language introduction was actually with the French language in High School.  One of her first products after creating the Flip Flop Spanish workbooks was in fact Flip Flop French!

Her husband learned some German in college so we use that in our homeschool for our third language choice and because our family's ancestry is of German descent.  We use that motivation to eat German food, learn some German culture, hopefully get to travel to Germany someday, and for the children, they like please Daddy.

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 Option One for Families with Pre-K through High School:See it and Say it Whole Family Spanish - with literally 15 minutes or less of invested time you and your family will be learning and speaking in complete Spanish sentences. Ages 3 to 93. This two-year, hands-on, open and go Spanish curriculum is so easy to absorb, even when you start and stop and start again, children's retention is typically still at 90% or more! Check it out!   Option Two for Families with Middle School through High School:Spanish Geniuses - a subscription website that gives your family the FULL access to every lesson I have ever taught. Buy your textbook, and get started. No schedule to keep, but bonus Spanish Speaking Practices are available once to twice a week as an added supplement! High School Spanish Level 1, High School Spanish Level 2, AND Vocabulary Unity Lessons for the 5th through 8th grade crowd are all there, 24/7! (Pssssst... the CYBER21 discount is still active! - Lock in 33% off your subscription)  Option Three for Families who already have a Spanish program:Spanish Live Practice Sessions (no subscription or course access) - If you have found another program that's working for you, add to it with my live sessions/webinars where students learn and practice new vocabulary, and begin conversing. Some students fully participate, others stay muted and hidden, and practice at home. Every one learns and practices speaking Spanish! We alternate days and times, and then you have the opportunity to view the recorded videos as well! One time flat fee for a THREE MONTH access to all the exclusive links and lists. Access runs Jan 1 through March 31, 2022. The truest form of "give experiences, not things" for your tweens and teens. (No discount needed - this is a CRAZY good price - I charge $50 for even ONE session of live tutoring.) 
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Flip Flop Spanish (and German, and French) Flash cards have a photo on one side (no words).

Flip Flop Flash cards are photos, not cartoons, paintings, or drawings.

This set up helps students to absorb the language the same way they learned their first language - hearing it, seeing the item, and saying the item. 

Of course being unclear on a meaning is NOT helpful. So we have the reference on the back side of every card. The Spanish word, the phonetic spelling, and the English translation (in a different font).

All these seemingly small differences add up to to BIG leaps in language absorption. Throughout the years of teaching students in various settings, Señora Gose purchased hundreds of flash cards, and made evn more by hand.

Through experience, the ones with teh word on the same time gave students a crutch - they ended up READING, not communicating. And the cartoon or drawn images created the opportunity to critique the artist rather than simply absorb the language term or meaning.

If she had found flashcards that were useful in the classroom, we guarantee she would have just had you go buy those, rather than creating her own!

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The Flip Flop Spanish Workbooks have all the words at the beginning of each lesson. The method is nice and simple, and some are open ended options, so no answer keys are needed.

In See it and Say it, there is only one activity that needs an answer key: Crosswords. The filled in crosswords are on the following page in the manual. If you'd like me to check your sentences, please email me! I love hearing from families across the globe and love even more when we get pictures of nice long sentences laid out photo side up as the child begins THINKING in Spanish to "read" them out to me on video. It truly warms my heart, seeing all those synapses firing!

For Spanish Geniuses Video course, the lesson answer keys (quizzes, etc) are in the following lesson. And the homework answers are located in the back of the accompanying textbook for that level.

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The workbooks are not a necessary component,  as they are not intended to "track" with the Whole Family Spanish. They have a simple list for each week, the audio included, and straightforward exercises leading the family through the easy lessons.  

SiSi has everything you need (other than a set of blank index cards.) The workbooks do teach different content (mostly - there is a little over lap) in a different way, and this switch up often invigorates the child who likes to doodle and draw, and add on more conversational Spanish.  

I usually recommend that the family choose one method, and then switch it up after three or four months, if you desire to have both methods. 

🙂Hope that helps! There's a note about this on the workbook pages, and I think it's more in depth.

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We had plans to continue with a ages 6-9 Level 2, but SiSi (See it and Say it) was having SO much more success so many learners, I decided to leave it with Level 1.

The ages 6-9 workbook contains everything that the ages 3-5 levels 1 & 2 have, but at a faster pace, fewer exercises per list of words, and of course higher level activities.

Most families use them for ages up to 6 or 7, and then older one up t age 12.

They are a GREAT supplement for those who really enjoy work pages in between the SiSi lessons, or in addition to them. Hope that helps!

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When you purchase See It and Say It we have a “How-To” page at the very beginning that will guide you through the entire process of using SiSi.  If you need additional help there's always our detailed FAQ page (which you've already found!).

The product page description also gives you more info and we’re always here to answer questions on the Flip Flop Spanish Facebook page, email (, or phone (979) 324-3719 (texts are best!).

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After the two year SiSi whole family program, they will have been exposed to about 350-500 Spanish words (depending on how deep they go with their own personal learning dictionaries during the lessons, and the types of activities that are done during the break weeks).  They will be familiar with the present tense, and a litany of other grammar topics.  High School Spanish Level 1 introduces 1000 words, present and preterit tense, and the grammar topics are also about doubled.  So, your child will have been exposed to about HALF of what a Spanish High School Level 1 student will be exposed to.  When they get to 9th grade or so, I still recommend that they begin "at the beginning" of Spanish Level 1.  Their knowledge and depth and ability to speak SOARS as they ZOOM through the first dozen lessons (a whole semester) and feel WONDERFUL that, "I already know more than half of these words, and I can understand EVERYTHING I'm reading and hearing! WOW!"

That confidence is what causes their high school scholar-level learning to become truly useful as they move forward on their path to becoming bilingual.

For more information on what they will learn in SiSi Level 2 please see the FAQ here or visit the product page description.

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Just like many parents, I want to know "Why?" when a new concept is taught to my kiddos. Children are just happy to communicate and use their new tool (which is another reason to start young, right!?) But having any doubt about how or why to use the words is a definite obstacle to absorption. So you'll see an "Egg Head" along the way - each time you see him, it's a grammar note for parents. You can then decide if your child would benefit from learning that concept or not.
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It depends on how you plan on using it, please go here for the answer.
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When you see progress, it’s motivating! When you have fun, it’s motivating!

With the See it and Say it System, we even have built in “breaks.” Little chunks of accomplishment keep you going, and knowing that the next lesson will only be 10 to 15 minutes (with most of our products) it helps the student and parent continue to make strides. Beyond that, every product is relational. You CAN’T do it alone - not effectively.

So, your children look forward to Spanish because it is guaranteed one-on-one (or all children-on-one) time with you! No screens, no DVD’s, nothing to keep your attention away from your child. THAT is motivating.

Once your child advances past SiSi, and is more independent and capable of self-guided study, we have our Spanish Geniuses program.  Spanish Geniuses is available as either Pay-Per-Lesson or Subscription service.

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Because See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish teaches how to speak Spanish in the same way we learned our first language, the alphabet is not a focus. We learn to communicate what the NEEDs, WANTS, and LIKES are first, and once your brain is accustomed and comfortable with that, more depth, more vocabulary, is added. Nouns are the first thing our brains want to communicate about. So that's what the cards show. However, since we are older, we want to make a phrase, which is why you can build a complete sentence within the first three minutes of your lessons with SiSi - build from success to success!

So, adjectives like colors and numbers come much much later.

SiSi Level 1, Lesson 9 Covers Colors

SiSi Level 1, Lesson 26 has a break week to Cover Numbers. They are listed there.

And here's an extended lesson on the vowels and letters and how they sound for the scholar level students. I made it viewable for anyone, not just subscribers. You'll see a page with the vowels on it in your SiSi manual as well. 🙂  Spanish Geniuses Live Practice: Alphabet and Phonics Nov 1 - Spanish Geniuses Video Courses

(You can also check out Charlotte Mason Foreign Language Method and see how similar we are in our procedures.) This was such a good question, I went ahead and made a podcast about it!

Here it is: Suzanne Episode 7: No Spanish Alphabet? by Seriously, Suzanne

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Each eBook manual or file on the Flip Flop Spanish website is designed to be a download, and is not designed to be accessed on the server again and again. The expectation is that the family downloads it once, and saves the PDF and then either prints it, or uses it on a screen/reader of some sort from your saved location, not the server.   

Please be sure to have a spot where you can save it permanently, as this location (on the server) isn't designed for more than 6 accesses from each customer account.

You'll want to download your manual to a device/flash drive where you can save it. Then you can print it, or access it on your screen or device that way, from your saved location.

Can you email it? We don't email any of the Flip Flop Spanish eBooks, since they are so large, which is why we have the web server allow up to 6 downloads per order, just in case something goes awry, or a family needs to access it again in a future year for a new device or computer. 

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I was looking at purchasing Level 1 Whole Family Spanish and saw it was on sale for $49.97, but when I add it to my card, the price is $144.97. Am I missing a promo code?

Hola! Thank you for your interest - it’s such a shame that was can’t remove that “feature” of the webshop. Because the ebook version is less, it shows a blue circle and the word “sale” built into the webstore design automatically - the ebook of the curriculum and audio (without flashcards) is always $49.97, and the print version is always $144.97

I’m so sorry for the confusion. We're looking into a work around on the coding of the webshop.

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It is an online video course (either Pay-Per-Lesson or Subscription service) created by Señora Gose to teach your student Spanish in exactly the same way as she does during her weekly classes in Texas.

The same textbook is used, the same homework assignments are given, everything is the same.  In fact, when one of her students is absent they are required to "make up" the class by purchasing the weeks lesson here so they don't fall behind the rest of the class.

Watch the intro video below for a great introduction to what we offer:

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There are several big differences between Spanish Geniuses and other methods/products.

  • FIRST: Señora Gose is your teacher. That's the main difference. You can get the same information anywhere, but without a passionate guide, someone who truly wants you to learn, it's not near as effective. You are witnessing her teach live students who struggle with the same topics you struggle with. She has heart and compassion for you, and messes up just like you do. She even includes those mess-ups, at the end of each video, because laughing at yourself is healthy!
  • SECOND: You have a resource away from the computer. Your textbook contains vocabulary, grammar exercises, stories, comprehension questions, audio, and grammar notes. Sra. Gose just leads you through it. Learning language on a screen is VERY difficult... (There's a whole blog about that!) So it's very important that the student has access to a hard copy of the information. Methods that are JUST screen based are lacking in the best way to absorb a language (there's a blog about that one too).
  • THIRD: You pay and learn as you go, at your own pace. We don't know another product that exists that allows you to pay as you complete each lesson. We're that invested in your learning. If it doesn't work for you, you're not "trapped." NO TIME LIMITS. You watch and learn, pause, and repeat as YOU NEED to. It's truly all about you, and the benefits to your students.

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Yes. You can find the basic scope of the lessons on the First Lesson and Free Intro Lesson. Students who come to my Spanish 2 classes and have completed other Spanish 1 High School Courses often have to go back to my own Spanish 1 class, because we cover so much more than the other courses. We do hit every grammar topic required, and then some. Many of my dedicated students are able to earn College Credit by Examination after taking just one year of Spanish with my methods. (If they are dedicated students!)
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We offer two different options to accommodate different budgets:

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Purchasing your books from Flip Flop ensures you have the correct editions that are used in their respective classes.

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Pause and rewind as much as needed. Your video link is available for 28 days if you are on the Pay-Per-Lesson plan.

If you are on our subscription service you may watch any video on the site without restriction for as long as your subscription is active.

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It is included with the video lessons as a PDF, which is available by logging into with the same account you used to purchase the course, or on the subscription site, it's bundled with each set of video lessons.

A "My Files" link is located directly below the list of your orders.  Additionally, each order has a link to your content (for only that order) should you desire to see them separately.

That link contains your entire lesson. Each Lesson comes with two videos, and a homework packet.  The homework PDF(s) are downloadable, and then printed to follow along with daily book and CD work, after watching the video.

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Your textbook, Spanish Now, Edition 8 has an answer key integrated in the back. The students learn from correcting their own work from the back of the book.

The Homework grade is based on the percentage completed, not based on the correct percentage of answers. 

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Yes, you need a place to keep your packets; a folder or a 1“ three-ring binder works well.

Recommended but not required:

Every third lesson or so will refer to them in the Vocab Labs. If you don’t have them, that’s okay.  The learning dictionary and the flashcards will increase your speed and depth of learning, but you don’t HAVE to have them. (We understand stretching dollars!)

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Yes, absolutely!  Assuming you will begin your lessons on Labor Day week, and do exactly one lesson per week, this is the calendar schedule for you:Spanish Geniuses Juniors: as needed - move through the themes as interest leads. This age is one where we want THEM pushing us, not vice versa. If you have not done See it and Say it yet, please begin with that curriculum before heading to the video series.Spanish Geniuses Level 1 Suggested Schedule:
  • 1st week of September - Begin
  • After Lesson 10, skip your lesson for Thanksgiving Week
    • *Take Fall Vocab Exam* between week 10 and 11.
  • Finish the Semester with  Lesson 12. Take your midterm by Dec 20
  • Begin Classes on Lesson 13 for the first week of January.
  • Take a break over Spring Break after lesson 18 
    • *Take Spring Vocab Exam* between week 18 and 19
  • Finish Lesson 24 by end of April
  • Take your Final Exam by Mid May
Spanish Geniuses Level 2 Suggested Schedule:
  • 1st week of September - Begin
  • After Lesson 11, skip your lesson for Thanksgiving Week
    • *Take Fall Vocab Exam* between week 11 and 12.
  • Finish the Semester with  Lesson 13. Take your midterm by Dec 20
  • Begin Classes on Lesson 14 for the first week of January.
  • Take a break over Spring Break after lesson 18 
    • *Take Spring Vocab Exam* between week 18 and 19
  • Finish Lesson 24 by end of April
  • Take your Final Exam (Lesson 25) by Mid-May
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On the weeks I recommend taking your exam (see schedule here), it will be included in your lesson link for that week. The student will review the Review Sheet, and Exam to print out. Students take the Exam at home, on paper. A separate link will be listed for the answer page. Each Spanish Exam is multiple choice and easy to grade for the parent or advisor with the provided Answer Key. If your student does not pass the Exam, you can download a new review, and a re-take for that exam.
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No, you may access your content by logging into with the same account you used to purchase the course or by logging on to the subscription site.

A "My Files" link is located directly below the list of your orders.  Additionally, each order has a link to your content (for only that order) should you desire to see them separately.

The lesson link includes everything a student or parent needs for that particular lesson (except the Spanish Now! textbook which must be purchased separately).  A motivated high schooler has the ability to go through the entire curriculum on his or her own. He or she can print each homework packet, watch the Lesson and Vocab Lab videos, check their answers, take and grade exams, and make it all the way through Spanish Geniuses on their own.

We recommend the parent grade the exams, go over review sheets with the student before each exam, and check grade reports to be sure the students are studying and watching each video.

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Yes. You have 28 days with three attempts during that time to stream after purchase, and your link will remain active for the entire 28 days. If you have any trouble, let us know. We can give you more tries.
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No, in order to protect the content, video files are not downloadable, but you can re-watch them if necessary.
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Yes! If you have more than one student in your immediate family ready to take the class, they can watch the video together or move at their own separate paces. (As a mother of five, I understand this need to save time and money.) Each e-mailed lesson link can only be accessed three times, so keep that in mind.
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Yes!  Contact Señora Gose if you’re interested in this opportunity!
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It depends on what later means to you. Yes…the links are good for one month if using the Pay-Per-Lesson service.

So, purchase as you go, and use for your own private use at home. But after 5 weeks your links will no longer be active. (If you have an extenuating circumstance, please contact Señora Gose, and she will be happy to reactivate your link to make it useful for you).

If your subscription is still active, you may watch when ever you like as many times as you like.

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It's your choice. You can forward the email to your student’s address, or you can access it immediately. The link can be clicked three times (to avoid unscrupulous sharing) so keep that in mind should you use your child's email address.
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Both the Pay-Per-Lesson and Subscription Plans use the same grading rubric:

25% Participation - (Did the student repeat aloud? Does he/she take notes? Do you ask Señora Gose for help when needed?)

25% Homework Completion - (Did you do 100% of your homework? Or more like 80%? Be able to show it.)

25% Quizzes - Average your quiz grades. You can throw out the lowest grade. You should have 5 per semester.

25% Exams - Average your exam grades. You should have 4. Two vocab exams, two major exams. These may not be “dropped” - However, if you need a “re-take” There will be a link to that for another $10. (Incentive to study hard the FIRST TIME!)

Suggested Grading Rubric & Grade Sheet:

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Yes, SOON! We'll have the Spanish Geniuses Spanish Guide available on the Flip Flop shop. (Or the Packets separate from the videos?) You can download what you need - but they do not have separate “buy” buttons - when you purchase a Lesson Bundle, you’ll see each file separately.

If you don’t need the extra vocabulary practice, simply don’t stream or download that file. Because maintaining a single file is just as costly as maintaining a bundle, the prices would still be the same: $10 per video, with or without the additional video and notes.

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Need? No. But there are a ton of supplements I can recommend as we go along. One of my favorite things to do is watch Animated Classics in Spanish. So I created the Movie Magic eBook guide for the Students.

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Yes!  We know there are lots of families with many of the kids at different learning levels (Juniors, Highschool Spanish I & II), so we created a monthly access to all three Spanish Genius levels for you by subscribing here

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Full organizations and schools, with accredited teachers, professors, and staff have the option to seek accreditation. Universities, colleges, and academies can be accredited, but not stand alone courses or curriculum. For this reason, Spanish Geniuses and Flip Flop Spanish doesn't have the opportunity to be accredited. However, many students who seek to earn College Credit by Examination do earn university credit hours based on the knowledge they absorbed from Spanish Geniuses and before that, Flip Flop Spanish.
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Here's an excerpt from Sonlight's page, a popular Homeschooling Curriculum:

"Charlotte Mason was a pioneer in education, boldly declaring that, “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.” She believed that we educate the whole person, not simply improve the mind. The heart of a Charlotte Mason education includes living books, short lessons, narrations, nature walks, and copywork. She emphasizes routine and repetition."

Here's a little bit more about her from the HomeschoolMom:

"Charlotte Mason was a 19th century educator who believed "the souls of all children are waiting for the call of knowledge to awaken them to delightful living." Some of the characteristics of a Charlotte Mason education are using living books, keeping a nature journal, and introducing music, art, poetry, and great literature among other resources.

Living books - books which are well-written, engaging, and invite the reader inside -  teach not through the dull imparting of facts but through the lives and events of the characters. They include genres such as historical fiction, nature books, and twaddle-free fiction stories such as those of Holling C. Holling. The terms "living books" and "twaddle" are commonly used by those following Charlotte Mason's educational theories, although they are quickly being picked up in other homeschool circles."

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A lot changed in my Spanish teaching method as soon as I exited the public school system. I began implementing a LOT of changes in my new, private foreign language classroom.  I was very aware that my Spanish teaching method was more effective now; easy, and simple. Simple and easy aren't the same thing, after all.

When the one removes the requirements of matching the rest of the classrooms in a school district, you really find your own teaching style. As I developed my plans and activities to follow the children, to teach in a way what REALLY worked for the students in front of me, I found myself implementing nothing new, really.

It was the style Charlotte Mason lays out in her books for the last century. I didn't set out to defend her method or champion it. Once I saw that I was, after all, following her path, I called upon my memory and training from my education degree at Baylor University. The plans and implementation was all there in Charlotte Mason's methods. It wasn't new at all! I was just doing what works, and CM had already laid it out for me.What I did NOT know was that other people were noticing! Especially Catherine Levison. She's a Charlotte Mason expert, author, and speaker. She had introduced herself at one of the Homeschool Conventions years ago, and congratulated me on my Spanish teaching method. We just "ran into" each other again earlier this week in cyber world. Here's what she said, re-printed with her permission:"I have carried Flip Flop Spanish with me everywhere I have spoken since I discovered it at Cathy Duffy's house. I think it is the most Charlotte Mason system (you can purchase) for teaching Spanish that I've ever seen. No wonder it was so CM friendly. You did a great job. I've been showing and praising your work for a long time. You've helped many people."

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Yes - Spanish Geniuses is used in the older portion of the educational journey, after 7th or 8th grade - the scholar phase. If students have use See it and Say it first (even high schoolers can use the Quick Start version to help train their brains before they begin with stories and conversations.)

During my Live Practice sessions for all my Spanish Geniuses Members, I teach the vocabulary in a series, the Charlotte Mason way, and then the students enjoy creating original opinions and thoughts. It's a giggle fest, for sure, each week! Check out a clip here:

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Yes and No.

There are copyright issues we have to work with, but we've made a way to be completly legal and completly helpful as much as possible.

We are working on getting you a set of supplemental worksheets that Sra. Gose has used. Check out THIS page for the eBook printable options coming soon for supplemental worksheets to hand out to your classes and co-op groups.

We ask that all your streaming and PDF downloading is kept only for your immediate family. Just like most homeschoolers, finding the balance among income and freedom to school their children is vitally precious. We’ve kept the price for your family extremely reasonable so that every family in your co-op is able to purchase their own videos and follow along to learn at home, at their own pace.

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There are generally three accepted learning styles:
  1. Visual (most people)
  2. Audial (minority)
  3. Tactile/Kinesthetic (pretty much everyone diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.)
To learn about your learning style, and how to achieve success in EVERY subject, The Key to Learning Anything will answer all your questions. Knowing YOUR style (as a parent/educator) is very important as well. I have a free video seminar to help you more. Check it out!
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One of the most oft asked questions about See it and Say it - and all Flip Flop Spanish Products was, "What type of Spanish is it?"  What they mean is, "In what countries will I be understood?"  I'm happy to report that I worked very hard after returning from Spain (years and years ago, we won't talk about how many years...) to adjust my vocabulary and accent after speaking with many of my Mexican, Colombian, and Puerto Rican friends. I researched for three years, (not for a curriculum's sake, but just on my own, for this was WAY before I was homeschooling or had any children) and discovered there are multiple Spanish words for so very many nouns, verbs, idioms, and adjectives. A quick search on SpanishDict gives you a run-down on lots of regionalisms, for just about every query you type in the search bar. Happily, just like American English vs. British English, we can be understood even if we don't choose the most common word used in a particular region. With this in mind, I polled real friends, and plenty of regional dictionaries - which word is understood best in the MOST countries? That's the word that made it to the flash cards, and into the workbooks.  When I'm questioned about my accent by native Spanish speakers, "¿De dónde eres?" (Where are you from?) I answer, "Texas!" They look at me, cock their head, and reply, "No ahora, pero antes." (Not now, but before.) They never can believe I'm from Texas. So, with that in mind, please know - your accent, your word choice will leave you WELL understood in all Spanish speaking countries from Spain to Colombia, to Mexico! If your word of choice isn't the most common local term, will you sound a little "foreign?" Sure, the first time. A little. And like a good language learner, you'll adjust. Here's a happy link showing you the almost 30 Spanish speaking countries you can enjoy your new language learning progress! Where will you go first?      
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We use the most COMMON Spanish words for each item or verb.

So for bowl, there are MANY words that can be used, but the most frequent one is tazón, followed by el plato redondo, and then "el bol" which is more of "Tex Mex" than Spanish, but still useful.

Each word was chosen based on usefulness. Words like BLANKET are not in the flashcard set because there are too many options in the various Spanish speaking country, and can be misunderstood easily. So, you'll need to choose your country for those (But don't worry, I even lead you through that process in See it and Say it Level 2, Section 2.)

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For our domestic customers we use the U.S. Post Office Media Mail® to ship your curriculum in order to provide free shipping to you and reduce postal theft.  Your purchases are now shipped in a waterproof bag to avoid damage to your product(s).

Thank you for your patience as we always strive to keep shipping costs low (and free!) for our customers!

Shipping times:

  • Our distributor ships twice a week. You'll sometimes receive a tracking number 24-48 hours before it goes to the post office.
  • Local orders shipped with the USPS Media Mail will take 2-8 business days to be delivered to you and we will usually ship within 2 business days.

USPS Domestic Mail ClassShipping or Delivery Time
USPS Retail Ground2 to 8 business days (Estimated)
Media Mail2 to 8 business days (Estimated)*
First-Class Mail2 to 3 business days (Estimated)
Priority Mail1 to 3 business days (Estimated)
Priority Mail ExpressOvernight/ 1 to 2 business days
  • Shipping time might vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.
  • *Media Mail timelines of service to destinations outside the contiguous U.S. may be affected by the limited availability of transportation.

Shipping cost:

  • Orders over $99 will have free shipping.
  • Orders under $99 will be charged for shipping depending on your chosen delivery method and country. Full price will be displayed at checkout. 

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No, we do not offer international shipping at this time.

However, you may purchase our flagship product from Rainbow Resource that does ship internationally.  You may find their shipping rates and other information on their FAQ page here.

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You may order in bulk for your CO-OP, please contact Sra. Gose for details.
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Yes, we offer wholesale pricing to many vendors. Contact us at to make an order.

We also have an affiliate program, if you prefer to make commission rather than re-selling.
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Yes! Please contact Sra. Gose for details.
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Your 100% satisfaction is important to us. We offer a 30-days Return & Exchange Policy:

  • If a product gets damaged or was faulty upon delivery - we offer 100% refund. Please take a picture upon arrival (or within 2 business days) of your damaged item(s).
  • Timing: we have a 30-days Return & Exchange Policy, since the day item was received.
  • To be eligible for a return, goods must be unopened, unused, undamaged and in its original packaging. 
  • Damaged items will receive a replacement item.
  • For returns, please email with the subject 'Returns' and include your order number, name and the reason for the return.
  • Seller will provide the customer with instructions where to send returned goods. Customers are strongly recommended to get proof of postage when returning goods to avoid "lost packages" situations.
  • Please note that customers are responsible for shipping costs of returned items.
  • When returned item is received and inspected, customer receives a confirmation email, notifying about the status of the refund.
  • If the refund is approved, then it will be processed and a credit will automatically be applied to customer's credit card or original payment method shortly after.
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If any items are received in a damaged condition, please contact us via within 2 business days of receipt, and send a picture of the damaged items. We will do our best to be sure your products are replaced in a timely manner. Sometimes you may be asked to return those items, and your shipping costs will be reimbursed.

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Upon return approval please send your package to:

C/O Flip Flop Spanish/Returns

5807 County Road 342

Milano, TX 76556

Please ensure product is packaged to avoid damage during shipment, we cannot refund orders that are damaged in shipment due to insufficient protection.

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Contact us via email:

To begin the return process. You'll need your order number, and we can find that for you with your name or email address.

If the product is in sellable condition (no writings, marks, bends or tears) when it arrives back at the distribution center, we will refund your full purchase price (excluding shipping). Please include the Order number contained inside your packaging, and please package it well, so we're able to refund your money.

The Return Address is:

Flip Flop Spanish: Returns

5807 County Road 342Milano, TX 76557

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If you mistakenly order an electronic item, and do not download it, we will happily refund your money.

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Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, even our distributors.  Although rare, sometimes we forget to put something in the box or miss something in your order.  Just let us know and we'll make it right for you as fast as possible, on our dime!

For the See It and Say It product:

We have discontinued the use of audio CDs and replaced them with a USB digital audio card.  Additionally, we have all the audio available for downloads on our website for workbook purchases or in case your USB card becomes damaged/unusable.

If any other items are missing, please contact us via for a quick replacement, or a download code for your ebook and MP3s.

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As with any illness we take precautions to not pass along infections to our customers by ensuring our distribution team:

  • Washes their hands regularly
  • Doesn't package or touch products when they are sick
  • Is tested if a COVID infection is suspected and are quarantined for at least two weeks (longer if recovery is required).
  • No member of our distribution team (no matter what the illness is) is allowed to package and ship products to our customers while sick.

We are confident that due to the nature of the COVID/INFLUENZA virus' structure and "life cycle" it doesn't stay active on surfaces for more than a few days which is shorter than the time it would take to package and deliver your order.  Further, according to the CDC the risk of infection from COVID-19 from touching contaminated surfaces is extremely low.


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Every product we sell is made of paper (excluding plastic packaging) except for one or two supplemental items. The only product that has any kind of solvent is our whiteboard marker pen.

In today’s dry erase markers, most manufacturers have shifted toward using less harsh solvents that are marketed as “low odor.”  These types of markers use denatured alcohol blends which is very similar to rubbing alcohol and still have a pronounced smell when it’s a fresh new dry erase marker that’s opened and used for the first time.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a US-based organization that is focused on developing and publishing voluntary international technical standards for a wide range of products and materials.

There are over 12,000 ASTM voluntary standards that they have published, much of them are for industrial and commercial applications for safety purposes.

Some standards have direct consumer impact like the “D-4236” standard for art materials, which includes things like dry erase markers.

You can see this on the markers themselves and on their packaging.

This standard basically indicates that the product has passed toxicological tests to contain “no materials in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans, or to cause acute toxicity or chronic health problems” (example from Sanford’s Expo marker).

In plain English, it’s non-toxic and safe to use as intended.

If your child is coloring their tongue or eating it, well that's not it's intended use and wouldn't necessarily be safe according to the standard. These aren't wax crayons for kids and should be used with supervision.

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Yes, unfortunately some of our products do contain items that could cause choking.  This is unavoidable, but as a conscientious parent the danger can be avoided.

Products with potentially hazardous items:

  • All of our flashcards and loose-leaf guidebooks are wrapped in plastic packaging.  This can be a choking hazard, please discard these properly and keep out of the reach of children before use.

See it and Say It:

  • The pen cap is a small item that could become easily lodged in the throat.  Please ensure that NOBODY places the pen or the cap in their mouth.

  • The USB flash drive has a small tab that could become separated from the information card.  This piece is small enough for someone to choke on if it were to be placed in the mouth.

Individual White Board Paddle with Marker

  • As mentioned previously, the pen cap is a potential choking hazard.
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Sra. Gose has combined all her years of a fun flowchart here. 

Homing School


She also has a series called "Seriously, Suzanne" via podcast or video.

Give it a listen!

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We get asked this question all the time...

I actually have a whole blog post about this topic! Check it out!

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We do have French as a PDF+MP3 download for the early learners as well as flash cards, but most of our products for sale are Spanish.  Our philosophy is "when you divide your attention, both things suffer"; I'm a Spanish teacher...that is my first, best purpose.  Spanish is my focus because it's the second most spoken language in the United States. 

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The truth is ANY time studying is better than no studying. So, five minutes a week is actually beneficial in a teensy way. However, for true progress toward fluency, the minimum would be three times per week, 20 minutes or so per session.

Daily study, of course, is best.

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I wrote a blog post about this...

But I love the analogy of "drinking from a fire hose" or "listening to static on a radio."

As always, the x+1 theory keeps proving itself out. Without a foundation, immersion is TOO MUCH. It's all static. With a little foundation, immersion BEGINS to help...

Another analogy, think of learning some vocabulary and how to put sentences together in a class, or from a curriculum as  the stretching part of an exercise regiment. Without it, you create LOTS of obstacles, or at the very least can't perform at your best.... at the worst, you really harm yourself - making you think you "can't" do it, or "it's too hard" ... or something even worse, the students doubts his intelligence or ability.

So. No, I'm NOT a fan of immersion alone. Begin with something simple and fun... and maybe that something is See it and Say it for you!

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Maybe reference this FAQ? "How much time should I schedule each week for language study?"

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First, be sure you are logged in to your Flip Flop Spanish Account.

Or check your email and click through from the links listed. If that still doesn't work, please email us, and we can send you a new link. Add or to your white list, and that will help to insure that your links don't end up in your spam or junk folders.

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You'll find the password for the flashcard downloads in your READ ME FIRST file that came with the downloadable cards and games.
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That is correct. We allow you to print as many PDFs as you need for your family, but we ask that you do not share them electronically. This helps to keep your costs low, and helps us serve more families. If you need co-op access, please let us know. We do have a set up with codes for that. 
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Absolutely. Just contact us, explain the situation, and we'll get it all sorted for you.

To skip this problem, we recommend becoming subscribers, where you have access to ALL LESSONS from ALL LEVELS. That includes the videos and downloads for the whole family. Never expires, never have to ask for a new link. It's accessible 24/7

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Absolutely. Just contact us, explain the situation, and we'll get it all sorted for you.

To avoid this problem, we recommend becoming a subscriber, where you have access to ALL LESSONS from ALL LEVELS. 

That includes the videos and downloads for the whole family. Never expires, never have to ask for a new link. It's accessible 24/7, and includes live bonus sessions each week as well. We have a great time learning and speaking Spanish.

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