Señora Gose's Homeschool Spanish Blog (aka "Seriously, Suzanne")

When you put a Marine in charge of marketing...

When you put a Marine in charge of marketing...

Flip Flop Spanish is a family business. I'm the teacher and curriculum writer. Marketing, web design, inventory, and shipping are my husband's department. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at a business meeting. I get called into his office. My manly Marine presented THIS to me for a "downloads image" to send to our cherished Flip Flop Spanish subscribers, I (kindly and gently of course) remarked: "Hey, Babe. That's super cool, but, um, ....Have you forgotten our demographic?" (Notice the escape button at the bottom. Dad Puns were even more rampant in a few other versions of this robot guy.) His response...

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FINALLY - HOW! Tactile Learners - Last Section (Part 4)

Learning Styles

FINALLY - HOW! Tactile Learners - Last Section (Part 4)

You've had four days of tips and tricks to think through your Wiggly Willy's ways... If you’re looking… for something to facilitate your student’s foreign language study, be sure to post a comment, and I’ll give you suggestions for your age range, or a review if I’ve already tried out something that you’re thinking of.  A good resource is my book The Key to Learning Anything. EVERY subject has tips for your special learner. The main tip for this learning style would be to stay away from traditional textbooks. – Very rarely will they incorporate the types of hands-on learning...

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Even More chit chat and tips for Tactile Learners (Part 3)

Learning Styles

Even More chit chat and tips for Tactile Learners (Part 3)

Keep on Keeping On – After a few weeks of study, your game possibilities are endless for adding Spanish absorption: act out skits, put actions to simple songs (charades, choreography), create works of art to illustrate a new vocabulary list, Pictionary is another fun, quick way, to confirm the knowledge, There are countless options: your student will have TONS of ways to review his language progress! The unfortunate part of this learning preference is that so much of the Spanish curricula out there is directed toward reading, writing, or listening. Wiggly Willies need this too. Just not on the front...

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More talk about: Tactile Learners (Part 2)

How To Learn Spanish Learning Styles

More talk about: Tactile Learners (Part 2)

Moving Forward – As you recognize that your student is grabbing more and more Spanish vocabulary, there are SO many fun ways to reinforce his learning: play Memory with the flash cards play Simon Says make culturally based art put pictures on a wall and have him touch the picture as you call out descriptive words in the picture have him describe a picture as he paints or draws play bingo with one of the Flip Flop Spanish Bingo games (coloring, cutting, flipping and WINNING are all great activities for the tactile learner.) Just be sure he’s not just sitting...

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Helpful chat about: "Wiggly Willy" Tactile Learners (Part 1)

Helpful chat about: "Wiggly Willy" Tactile Learners (Part 1)

Let's focus in on our (ok, my) biggest challenge in the home today... TACTILE learners. Getting Started – Tactile learners are those ones that drive us nuts while they fidget or build or doodle and forever look like they’re not listening, but then shock us by reciting the exact lesson when we least expect it! There is a small risk, though – sometimes, they really AREN’T listening...Your sweet tactile learner is more involved in the doodle, or the pipe cleaner, or the fuzz on the carpet he’s enjoying flicking around. So…. make the fidget part of the language lesson. As...

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