Señora Gose's Homeschool Spanish Blog (aka "Seriously, Suzanne")
Last year....

Last year, we were THRILLED to be tied for second with Practical Homeschooling Magazine's Readers Awards. (2016) It's a wonderful publication. Check them out! www.practicalhomeschooling.comTHIS YEAR, 2017, we were overjoyed to win FIRST PLACE in the Foreign Language Category!And THIS is why we are excited to pass the good news on to you! Our flagship product, See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish (affectionately called SiSi around the Gose Household) is now even more affordable. We LOVE that! Thank you for your support! We expect SiSi sales will continue to rise, and therefore the price will remain low for...
Practical Homeschool Magazine Reader Awards

Reader awards are OUT! And with all the curricula on the market for Spanish Learning, Flip Flop Spanish was voted SECOND as a favorite among homeschoolers! Thank you for the boost and the honor! Check out more great homeschooling info here:
Grand Opening ~ Bienvenidos
¡Míralo! (mee-rah-loh) Lookie here. A shop/store front AND a blog. Wowsers. I'll be posting funny stories from class, helpful hints, and fun anecdotes about language learning as we go along. Otherwise, bienvenidos! Welcome! (bien = well/fine; venidos = to have come) cool, huh? (Cool = guay; goo-ah-ee.....gwie would be an attempt at spelling it in English.)