See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish Level 1 Separate Audio Files (2nd Edition)

See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish Level 1 Separate Audio Files (2nd Edition)

Regular price $ 9.97

Get all the audio files for See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish in one download!

Purchase the SiSi Level 1 audio files separately right here!

A handy laminated MP3 Audio Card is INCLUDED with See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish. You can purchase the audio separately if your family is one of the thousands who purchased SiSi with CDs and would like an upgrade.

The MP3 Audio card gives you access to ALL the downloads. You can play directly from your computer, connect to a blue tooth speaker, or air drop to any device...

We even added the ability to stream from a free SoundCloud account directly to any of your smart phones or device.

Your downloaded files will include a PDF with a QR code that takes you to the SoundCloud files so you have streaming access no matter where you are.

CDs get scratched or broken, USB flash drives get damaged (or many devices simply don't have a port now!) but saving or streaming audio will always be available - shoot us a message, and we'll get it sorted out for you!

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