Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)
Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)

Co-Op Hand outs: See it and Say it Flip Flop Spanish: Whole Family Spanish (SiSi)

Regular price $ 59.00

Running a Co-op? This is the Spanish Class help you've been looking for!

Digitally Download and Get planning now!

(You'll be done in about 15 minutes for the year!)

See it and Say it was designed for at home family use, but that doesn’t mean we can’t extend the fun to include our friends at weekly co-op classes!

Learning with others actually will continue to enhance and increase the absorption rate and comprehensible input your children (and you!) will receive.

What's Included?

  •  50+ weeks of Teacher Lesson Plans Week by Week with optional activities and games  suggested.
  • 50+ weeks of Hand outs for the Students to take home, do the home work, and return with it completed (in conjunction with listening to the SiSi Lessons)
  • Thanksgiving Bingo
  • Christmas Bingo
  • Valentines Bingo

Do I need anything Else?... Yes

So, how do we adjust a family lesson for a class room setting?

Here are a few of my tips:
~ If you’re running the class yourself, you’ll want to ask the students to only bring the flash cards for the week, or keep a classroom set. (Each family will need a full set to use at home no matter what.)

~ If you’re participating in a class, you’ll be deciding whether the classroom input is enough for the week, or would you like to listen to the audio at home as well, so that you have the exercises handy. Some families purchase the audio separately for use at home.

~ The Co-op leader will have access to SiSi Coop PDF printouts for the year, leading the families through the correct cards to use for each lesson. These hand outs correlate with the SiSi Audio and lessons, which can be used in conjunction with the SiSi audio and the manual.

~ I recommend purchasing a set of loose binder rings and hole punching the weekly cards so students can keep their cards separate and handy as they travel to and from classes. (Some co-ops also label with initials as well, or use sandwich baggies in place of rings and hole-punches.)


Running the classes:
Listen to the audio (or read the manual) at home to prepare for the week. The lessons are short, so you’ll want a way to introduce the weekly cards beyond the simple family audio lesson.

In my SiSi classes, we simply held up the cards and called them out one at a time, then played “speed” where they touched the cards as I called them out not in order. Finally, I would have the students choose the easiest one and the hardest one (this is a sneaky way of getting them to call out two different vocab words to the class)

Other ways of introducing and/or practicing new words:
~Ranking them “best” to "not best", or favorite to least favorite, most common to least common
~After lesson one, making a “Me gusta” (I like) sentence every week.
~Making a silly sentence with “old words” included.
~Acting out cards and holding them up when they guess it. (Then the whole class can call it out together) this works  very well for the class room dynamics that are a bit more reserved or shy — gets them talking and engaged without fear of pronunciation.
~Hang man with a word or phrase
~”Go fish”
~ and of course paleta (or pictionary)

Each time the students lay out cards, I would have them stand up, manos al lado (hands to your side) and walk around the tables to compare their rankings to their friends. If they spoke, it had to only be to “read” (the cards should all be photo side up) the cards of their friends.

Lessons for Year one are READY for your downloading pleasure! The Lessons and Plans for Year Two will be uploaded in the next few weeks (no extra charge- you’ll just be notified when they arrive in your inbox.

This product comes with the license to print as many copies as your co-op needs year after year! You may not share the files electronically, but you can print to your heart’s content!

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