As a former public school teacher, the grade on the report card was literally EVERYTHING during the semester each year. That darn two digit number for each classroom subject determined a child's mood, status, equality among peers, and even their treatment, in some cases, from the entire school staff. It was soul sapping and gutting.
So, when I escaped, um I mean,... retired from public school to stay home with our first born baby in 2001, I was determined to not repeat that number ranking game in my own little private Spanish classes. That I taught in the Game Sample Room at a local toys and book store.
We checked for understanding via flashcard games, action games, even relay! I used simple conversations, songs, and LOTS of giggles! The students performed skits, role plays, artistic pieces, and collaborated in ALL the ways, constantly pushing and supporting one another along the way. No tests were needed. I knew what they knew and they knew it too!
So, as promised, here is a list of ways for you to check for absorption beyond the elementary years. (Use these both AFTER or BEFORE they take that Final Exam!)
1) Flip through their homework or textbook with them. Stop on a page and simply say, "This looks interesting. Can you tell me a little about how you came to write these answers?"
2) Ask them to write a skit to perform or teach you.
3) Ask the to use 5 of their newest vocabulary words in a question or a sentence.
4) Attend one of the bonus sessions with them. Stay muted, but ask all sots of questions: Oh wow! Did you already know that?
5)Have them draw a picture and describe it in Spanish.
6) Use a picture from their textbook and ask them to give opinions on the setting, the people, or the storyline.
7) Ask them to explain how to use the verb tense they just learned.
8) Take a mastery quiz on the last lesson they completed. Let them grade your page, and explain to you why you got it wrong. (Or right)
9) Watch the last lesson they have watched, and ask the hardest/easiest part of the notes.
10) Come up with ONE PHRASE or QUESTION for the day, in Spanish. See how many times you each can use it.
So - if your child does poorly on a final exam, please please don't make a hasty decision on whether or not they should be done. Sometimes, a couple of weeks of maturity is all that is needed, and other times, just the test taking skills are lacking, not the knowledge. They can ALWAYS request a study session with me. I'm here to help!
Would you rather WATCH me rant? ;-)