Our verse for today was 1 John 3:18.
"Hijos, no amemos de palabra ni de lengua, sino de hecho y en verdad."
"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
Being the teacher I am, I focused in on amar. To Love. Why is it "amemos," instead of amamos?
Here's a little verb grammar: When we use the "opposite ending" for verbs when it's a verb contrary to fact. Like with any "let's do this" type of feeling. Just because we WANT to do it, doesn't mean it's going to be done. This is called the "subjunctive tense" in Spanish grammar.
The present tense conjugation of this verb, "amar ~ to love" as in, it's HAPPENING, no question, is:amo amamos
amas amáis
ama aman
(I love, you love, he loves, we love, you (plural) love, they love.)
So, the regular conjugation is above, and using the "opposite ending" for amemos means "Let's do this, but it may or may not happen." It's interesting to think of, really.
Finally, we have the more common word, el amor. That's the noun form of the word, "the love." People of many languages use "mi amor," my love, as an affectionate nickname, or pet name. That's because it's a noun. All Spanish verbs end in -ar, -er, or -ir (Never ever do they end in -or.)
"Te amo" (teh-ah-moh) simply means "I love you." Te is the word that means YOU, and amo the conjugated form of amar for the yo pronoun (first person, singular.) This is for a deep love, committed relationship - with immediate family or your spouse. For friends, cousins, or romantic dating relationships you would use "Te quiero." (teh-kee-eh-roh)
So, back to "amemos".... Yes, LET'S!