You've had four days of tips and tricks to think through your Wiggly Willy's ways...
If you’re looking… for something to facilitate your student’s foreign language study, be sure to post a comment, and I’ll give you suggestions for your age range, or a review if I’ve already tried out something that you’re thinking of.
A good resource is my book The Key to Learning Anything. EVERY subject has tips for your special learner.
The main tip for this learning style would be to stay away from traditional textbooks. – Very rarely will they incorporate the types of hands-on learning you are looking for. Our See it and Say it: Whole Family Spanish was created with ALL the learning styles in mind, and your tactile learner will enjoy flipping the cards and sliding them around on the table, drawing with the white board paddle and acting out certain vocabulary. It's all in there FOR you.
¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)