Señora Gose's Homeschool Spanish Blog (aka "Seriously, Suzanne")
Flip Flop Spanish Won a Practical Homeschooling Reader Award.... again!

For the past several years, we've enjoyed getting the notice that our curriculum was voted as one of the best in the Spanish Learning category! Thank you! We really admire Practical Homeschooling Magazine, and their team, and their readers, so it's been a wonderful blessing each year to receive the notice that we're helping people, and they took the time to say so. We think about how to improve each year, and we love getting feedback, which helps us to improve. Here are the areas we have been focusing on: 1) Spanish lessons should be engaging. Without actual communication, there's...
Charlotte Mason Spanish

A lot changed in my Spanish teaching method as soon as I exited the public school system. I began implementing a LOT of changes in my new, private foreign language classroom. I was very aware that my Spanish teaching method was more effective now; easy, and simple. Simple and easy aren't the same thing, after all. When one removes the requirements of matching the rest of the classrooms in a school district, you really find your own personal teaching style. As I developed my plans and activities to follow the children, to teach in a way what REALLY worked for...
What about Rosetta Stone? (And other Spanish Products?)

I love teaching Spanish. I love helping families find the best method for them to learn Spanish. I TOTALLY LOVE IT! So. There's that. And here's my necessary disclaimer: These are my opinions. I'm not a statistician or a scientist. I'm a bilingual, homeschooling, Spanish teaching, mom of five. All joking aside, in my years of teaching Spanish, since 1999, plus a previous 6 years of studying, learning, and living it, I have met zero people who said that the software program Rosetta Stone worked well for their family. ZERO! So. There's that as well. Rosetta Stone Spanish was developed for...
What about Learning Spanish Through Immersion?

I have strong opinions about Learning Spanish Through Immersion. What is Spanish Immersion learning? The basic idea is to surround yourself in a Spanish speaking culture or atmosphere for an extended length of time (more than a two week mission trip) and thus depend on others to help you learn Spanish through conversing naturally with normal amounts of input and output in Spanish. There are different phases of language learning this way - the silent period, the early production, speech emergence (1000 words), then intermediate (6000 words) and advanced fluency. Many people tout immersion as "the way" to learn Spanish. Well,...
Which Spanish Learning product fits me best?

To discover the best learning methods for Spanish for your family, first you need to know what puts your student (and you) at ease? My blog on Rosetta Stone Spanish has more details about the top Homeschool Spanish products out there, but here are some details about the TYPES of learning products to help you get direction. TRADITIONAL: This method is traditional because it works. Make a list, review it, study it, apply it. One grammar lesson at a time, one vocabulary list (about 30-40 words per week) is the method. Tradition sends a message of peace to those who use it....