The Power of Failing and Being VERY Terrible at something new

I'm a Charlotte Mason-ish homeschool momma, and one of the areas I've regularly failed in is "mother culture." I love the idea, and I absolutely enjoyed all the activities, handicrafts, and creations the children did over the years. I dyed the wool, made the book marks, sculpted, whittled, carved, painted, built, and sketched! But it was always FOR the children. For the children. follow the children. let the children lead. And I was pretty good at being involved, not just watch, not just take pictures... but that wasn't really the point.

The point was for the MOTHER to just do her own thing. But but but... when? How? Well, my friends! I have good news! I now only have two kids of the five at home, and I DID IT! I joined a water color painting class, and am very "rules oriented," so I am very good to go my homework every week.

I began with teachability and some trepidation, and turns out I was TERRIBLE. I mean, really bad. I couldn't drag my water, it puddled and dripped, my flowers looked like... nothing. Like. BAAAAD. 

Then I did the next week, and was SOOOO bad again. And that's when it happened. The pressure was off! I was laughably bad at this! And we laughed like crazy. HOOORAY for failure! 

Fast forward to week 5... my teacher consistently told us to just "play" - sound familiar? "Let the mothers out to play!" I FINALLY decided to stop trying to paint something from the lesson, and wondered if there were any youtube videos on how to paint <<<<<CHICKENS>>>> You guessed it. There were approximately a google of them.

Y'all. I got pretty good pretty quick!

And now I can NOT stop. I've gone from "loose water color" simple chickens to landscape (mess ups) to monochromatic chickens and finally some emotion chickens.... emo-chicks? 

You can even see my "Bob Ross" video as requested by my cousin here! You'll get to see the chicken scratch terrible beginning from my very first lesson to now!

What's my point?

It's October. You're not great at learning Spanish. Try it ANYWAY. And don't stop. You have NO IDEA what you're capable of or how bad you'll be until you get GREAT!
Here are a few pics of the process. Ugly and trippy... ENJOYING every minute!

Have any stories about attempting any thing ELSE new in your life? Let me hear about it!


Maybe you can practice your adjectives below:

Ella está enojada.... 
Ella está curiosa....
Él está triste...
y ¡La gallina amarilla está muy contenta!

So: GO! TRY! FAIL! and then TRY AGAIN. When you are SUPER bad at something, you relax. There's no pressure, and then suddenly, you can shine.

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